South Bay Los Angeles

Homes For Sale In The 90005 Zip Code

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Homes For Sale In The 90005 Zip Code

Looking for homes for sale in the 90005 zip code? This zip code is part of Los Angeles, CA and is also acceptably referred to as Stanford. Below, you'll find available listings in the 90005 zip code located in the West Side area. For more information on any of these 90005 properties or to schedule a private showing with one of our helpful real estate professionals, contact us today.

Other nearby zip codes to explore: 90010, 90006,90019

The 90005 Zip Code Real Estate Market

There are approximately 29,927 people in the 90005 zip code that is primarily located in Los Angeles, CA, with 10% of them being homeowners. With a median age of 37 years old, the residents of the 90005 zip code are well established. The prices on average N/A changed by $N/A in the past 6 months.

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